lundi 12 mars 2012

Nouveau stylo plume

J'ai craqué pour un stylo plume Lamy Vista plume F. Il faudrait maintenant que j'achète un convertisseur ainsi que de l'encre waterproof  pour pouvoir aquareller mes croquis, car l'encre bleue fournie n'est pas à l'épreuve de l'eau.
Voici quelques croquis  réalisés au travail et à la maison avec ce nouvel outil:

Mes impressions:
        ça glisse mieux que mon feutre fin 0.05 straedler que j'utilise d'habitude
        la plume F n'est pas assez fine à mon gout, je vais acheter une EF, bien qu'en la retournant se soit beaucoup plus fin.

8 commentaires:

  1. Wonderful drawings!!! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. I've heard that the Lamy is good - but ici en Angleterre the cartridges are astonishingly expensive, more than £1 for one ... perhaps your idea of using a converter is what I need, as I am very tempted by the pen.
    I like the sketches - le chat en particulier. Thanks for posting.

    1. thank's for your comment
      In France a pack of 4 cost less 3€
      have you the electronic adress of a shop in great Britain which sell Noodler's or Platinium bottled ink
      Thank's in advance

  3. Very nice drawings. I also love the intensity of the blue ink.

  4. It's easy to tell from your really nice drawings how much you like your new pen! nancy

  5. Excellent drawings! I think in the long run, it would be less expensive to buy a converter and a bottle of ink. At least it is here, in the states. I also find it more convenient because I would always forget when I was using my last cartridge and then would run out mid-drawing. My bottle of ink seems to last forever!
